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Gallé-Juillet Museum. Visitor guide
Auteur(s) Sous la direction de Marion Kalt
Préface de Daniel Alcouffe
Parution 2022
Nombre de pages 68
Dimensions 200 x 280 mm
Nombre d'illustrations 96 dont 94 en couleurs
Type d'ouvrage Broché
Édition Musée Gallé-Juillet - Creil
ISBN 978-2-493728-00-5
Prix public 10,00 €
Gallé-Juillet Museum. Visitor guide
Musée Gallé-Juillet - Creil
The Gallé-Juillet Museum, municipal museum of the city of Creil, labelled Museum of France since 2002, includes two houses built on the site of the ancient medieval castle of Creil: the Gallé-Juillet House and the House of Earthenware.
It preserves more than five thousand works of art, objects, ceramics and documents of all kinds, exhibited or not, that shed light on the history of Creil and the Gallé-Juillet family.
This fabulous ensemble, completed year after year by the city’s acquisitions and donations from individuals, has preserved its 19th century atmosphere.
Carefully maintained, the museum now offers itself to the public in the same way as when it opened in 1930, that is as “a house of remembrance”.

Ouvrage non disponible à la Librairie des Musées.
Veuillez contacter :

Musée Gallé-Juillet
Place François Mitterrand
60100 Creil

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